Hey, I'm Northon!

a DevSecOps engineer from Brazil 🖖

The Domain Layer - Clean Architecture & Domain-Driven Design on PHP

The fundamental part of Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design is the Domain layer. There all the business and applications rules are laid down and will be controlling the processing of information independently from the infrastructure and frameworks. In the last post we discussed a little…

Introduction to Clean Architecture & Domain-Driven Design on PHP

PHP 7.4 was released on November 2019 with support for typed properties. Although this is just one of the improvements of the new version, that one really caught my attention. I'll tell you why I think this is so fundamentally important, but first let's understand…

Moving from WordPress to Publii

WordPress is a great platform for building websites, especially with the help of a visual editor such as Elementor. It has extensive documentation and a big community, you can create an eCommerce with WooCommerce, forums with bbPres, etc, infinite possibilities a plugin of distance. Speed…

What is the best programming language?

This is an endless debate. The answer is: it depends. Information Technology, as the name suggests, is about using technology to manage, transform and delivery information. Programming languages are the tools you use to deal with that information. Just like tools, each programming language has…