Hey, I'm Northon!

a DevSecOps engineer from Brazil 🖖

Hiring Devs: Full Stack or Specialized?

In the ever-evolving realm of software development, the debate surrounding the employment of full stack developers versus specialized ones often evokes a compelling analogy: cowboys versus snipers. This analogy gains pronounced relevance when considering the distinct stages of a project: the 'Validation Phase' and the…

Throughput and IOPS: how much is enough?

Storage is often one of the least considered areas when launching an application in the cloud. When setting up an AWS EBS gp3 disk, you often use the default settings, 125MB/s, and 3,000 IOPS, right? You're in for a surprise, so keep reading. The concepts…

Refactoring a PHP app in Go: Entity and Value Object

In this blog, I have posted a series of articles on how to create an app using Clean Architecture and DDD, albeit a simplified version. Now, it's time to bring these concepts to Go. Golang is considered a "light" object-oriented language since it supports concepts…

Intercepting UDP DNS packets using NGINX and JavaScript

NGINX (pronounced "engine-x") is more than a proxy or a web server, it is a Swiss army knife. With the addition of NJS, a subset of JavaScript language to extend NGINX reach, things got even more interesting. Really interesting. I recently had to deal with…