Hey, I'm Northon! 🖖

a DevSecOps engineer from Brazil »

WordPress on GitHub Pages with HTTrack

This is an old article, currently I'm using Publii (read here)!

Static websites are faster than WordPress installations. However, I am tech enthusiast and I love a challenge. I'm well aware of Jekyll's existence, but I love WordPress.

Since my blog doesn't have any dynamic content besides the comments, I decided to go for it.

There are plenty reasons why you shouldn't do that, here’s a few:

1. Very difficult to scale;
2. Difficult to edit;
3. Just for static content.


WordCamp São Paulo 2015

On the 28th November, I will be hosting a workshop named "In the cloud like a boss" at PUC Consolação in Sao Paulo, approaching everything you need to know, from hypervisors and storage technologies to tweaks on wp-config.php and more. The slides will be made available…